
AIUCF Christmas Milan Programme


The United Christian Front organized Christmas Milan Programme at Mahima palace Udaipur. The chief Guest of the programme was Metropolitan Bishop Jonathan Ansar . The special guests were honorable Cabinet Minister Girja Vyas , Mr. Raghuveer Meena (MP, Udaipur ) and Pastors from various Churches . Mr. Anil Masih the North Indian President of AIUCF welcomed all the Dignitaries and spoke about the aim of AIUCF.

20131230_123306Madam Girja Vyas said that Christians believe in love and service. She reminded the words of Jesus that love your neighbor as yourself is in the true spirit of serving the humanity. There were about three thousand people from Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Rajastan.


Tags : AIUCF Christmas Milan ProgrammeAnsar . The special guests were honorablMr. Anil Masih the North Indian President of AIUCFThe United Christian Front organized Christmas Milan Programme at Mahima palace Udaipur.