
Fr. Herman defends his doctoral thesis on Communication successfully.

1535393_10152171876269182_1179885999_nJanuary 14, 2014, Fr. John Paul Herman SVD of INC Province Indore, India, successfully defended his doctoral thesis at the Facolta di Scienze della Comunicazione della Universita Pontificia Salesiana entitled: Avery Dulles’ Theology of Communication. Scores of confreres and friends came to give their moral support to the doctoral student. Fr. John Paul, soft spoken but marked with confidence, successfully responded to the queries of the examining panel.

1546287_10152171874794182_918032332_n Fr. John Paul has been attracted to the intellectual contribution of Avery Dulles primarily because of the extremely relevant challenge he placed before all church leaders to be effective communicators in a world dominated by the powerful messages of the media. He served the Arch Diocesan Media Commission for ten years in Delhi and was the former Signis India Secretary. Congratulations Fr. John Paul Herman.

Tags : Avery Dulles’ Theology of Communication.Facolta di Scienze della Comunicazione della Universita Pontificia Salesiana entitledFr. Herman defends his doctoral thesis on Communication successfully.Fr. John Paul Herman SVD